Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jon Adams covers Superboy 1

Original cover by Wayne Boring and Stan Kaye; 1949 DC. Jon Adams's website is here.


  1. Total deviation from the spirit of the original. Wayne Boring deserves better.

  2. I love everything about this except the creepy "pants" comment.
    That kind of innuendo should be reserved for Batman.

  3. stupid, but no stupider than your other stuff so...Wonderful!

  4. You're definitely talented, but not at all humorous. Really, the stuff on your site is great, outside of the "jokes."

  5. Eh... I feel like the joke in the covered version is pretty cheap. When I was looking at the original cover, and I saw Superman saying "...Take a look inside", I thought to myself "Oh man, I hope that this doesn't turn into an 'in my pants' joke." Needless to say, I was disappointed.

    Also, isn't this a parody? I thought this wasn't a parody site...

  6. To anyone who thinks this joke is obvious or juvenile, I'm in complete agreement with you. To the Anonymous person who pointed out that none of my jokes are funny, thank you for alerting me to that. I wish someone had told me sooner.

  7. Well, they aren't. Actually, a lot of the visual jokes are pretty good, but super stale internet "wit" is awful. At least you're good at lots of other stuff (I liked all your other Covereds), while I'm none of the above.

    -Same Anonymous

  8. Anonymous - About the parody thing. Yeah, probably. Sometimes I get submissions that are on the fence with things and it becomes a judgement call on my part. I decided that sense it was 3 words that moved it into parody and that John has done a lot of covers here, it got the benefit of the doubt.

  9. Really like the drawing style on this one, and the colours.
    No issue with the joke, but I wonder if the joke could have worked just the same without the word 'pants' and with some judicious changes in body language? A subtly guesturing hand? Maybe less obvious that way? Dunno.

  10. honestly, both covers are cheesy...Jon's is just a reinterpretation of that cheese in a modern context.

    Love this cover. Love this blog.
