Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hob covers Avengers 215

Original cover by Alan Weiss, Marvel 1982. Hob's website is here.


  1. Nice!

    I've always wondered how much Columbia paid for those cover wrap ads.

  2. Josh: I expect to receive a gigantic bundle of dough from them any day now for reviving that ad. Next, I'll decorate my whole website with Sea Monkeys and X-ray specs. This business plan cannot fail.

  3. Forgot to say I love this one...one of my favorites...everything looks like it's made out of Tigra's fur.

    p.s.- I did enter that contest

  4. the gleeful childlike expression on Molecule Man's face really improves this cover.

  5. How tuff, having one third of your cover (i.e. "your" as in the artist of the first one) blocked out by fonts and titles! Half of it being a commercial! But it looks swell anyhow.
