Thursday, December 22, 2011

Edwin Vazquez covers Aliens 1

Original cover by Zach Howard; Dark Horse 2009. Edwin Vazquez's website is here.


  1. Greatness!!! This is a fantastic reinterpretation!!

  2. This is an amazing cover! I had the pleasure of watching the creation from start to finish. The process of scratch board is really rare and fantastic to watch. My favorite part is the BRAIN!!!

  3. Awesome! Would have been cool if you customized the text too.

  4. Thank you all for the positive feedback!

  5. holy moly! edwin this is awesome. very very cool.

  6. A true and original interpretation. Awesome job.

  7. Edwin's image tells a different and more complex story than the original and yet, still manages to provide an iconic character portrayal. This is a tricky feat to accomplish. I like this image as much as that Alien likes brains.

  8. Wow, THANK YOU for the kind words... I've been on an 'ALIEN' fixation lately and watching the movies obsessively too...

  9. I really enjoyed Edwin's interpretation to the Aliens cover. The line quality and overall color palette creates a unique energy that I find really rewarding when looking at this image. I do agree with the comments regarding a custom drawn font with the piece, might have unified the piece better as whole package. Overall nice work!

  10. I like the colors you selected! Your cover is very eye catching! Terrific interpretation! I like it more than the original cover.
