Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sammy Harkham covers Turok, Son of Stone 26

Original cover by Moe Gollub; Dell 1961. Sammy Harkham's website is here and you can purchase his original, here.


  1. Sammy's work is amazing. Totally love this cover.

  2. Last night at the art show, Sammy and I were talking about those great cover painters of Dell and Gold Key from the 50's and 60's. I know pretty much nothing about who those artists were. Sammy told me that a lot of them worked in the animation industry like the artist of this cover, Moe Gollub. Someday I'd love to see a book dedicated to the covers and cover artists of those companies. Hell, even a blog would be great. Who were those guys?!

  3. Oh man, that t-Rex is gonna have an Andar salad.
