Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Birthday

I thought I would break the format to make a few announcements. First, it was one year ago this Tuesday that Jeffrey Brown's version of Secret Wars 10 was posted and Covered was born. I'd like to thank all of the people who come to check the blog out, post comments, follow, and write articles about it. I would also like to thank all of the people who send in submissions. Although it can be a fun exercise, doing this is time consuming and sadly, nobody gets paid for that time.

Second, I'd like to announce that there will be a Covered art show at Secret Headquarters in Los Angeles in March. For now, I'll only mention artists whose progress I've seen (in case some flake) and they are: Coop, Jeffrey Brown, Michael DeForge, and myself. There will be about 30 others that I will mention as we get closer to the date. This will be a good opportunity for artists to make a little money from this idea as well as people to buy what is sure to be some great work. I'll be posting the work over the month of March on the blog, one a day, and provide a link on how to purchase it. However, the best way to buy a cover will be to come to the show's opening which will be Saturday, March 6th. That should be a fun time.

Green Brain Comics in Dearborn, Michigan is also having an art show inspired by the blog (although I had no involvement with this one). The opening for this show will be this Wednesday, the 13th. It looks like a good line up that includes Matt Feazell. I'd love to see that one.



  1. Let me be a part of that stuff sometime Rob.

  2. Thanks for the plug Robert.
    Just a small correction though, the opening reception is this Wednesday January 13th from 7-10pm.
    The monthly Green Brain Comic Jam will also be that evening, so bring a pen and join in the fun.

  3. Correction noted! Sorry about that. All I had to do was look at a calender to catch that one.

  4. It's only been a year!?! Look at all the work on this blog! That's amazing and inspiring! Thanks Robert!

  5. Happy Birthday & Congrats to you, Covered, Robert and all it's contributors!


  6. Robert-
    If our opening reception last night is any indication of how well received your show will be, I'll just advise you to rest up beforehand.
    Crazy busy, good sales and lot's of excitement.
    Thanks for the inspiration and help getting the word out.
    And Happy Birthday to the Covered blog.
