Thursday, May 13, 2010

Paco Afromonkey covers Iron Man 128

Original cover by Bob Layton; Marvel 1979. Paco Afromonkey's website is here.


  1. Holy.....! I was just thinking about doing a version of this cover...must be synchronicity with the movie out and all. You did a great job...totally your own style.

  2. I remember one summer at the San Diego Comic-Con...drinking a bottle of THOR's HAMMER vodka....I guess calling it Mjöllnir would be too hard of a sell. Anyway, that would have been Tony's favorite drink.

  3. Haha! I was thinking of a version of this cover too after seeing Iron Man 2 the other day...

    Great job! I love the smiley face on the Iron Man helmet...

  4. One of my favorite single issues of all time. You did the cover justice, and the skeleton in the mirror is a nice touch.

  5. I love this one. Bob Layton is the man.

  6. Nice!

    I, too, have thought about doing this cover, but I probably won't. I would have covered most everything in vomit.

  7. I meant to say "Demon in a Bottle" week.

  8. This is really good. Completely different from the original, I like that.
